A different Meet-and-Greet event was in store for Anthropologists this year, as the University of Illinois community is practicing social distancing. Zoom replaced good ol' Davenport Hall, but this did not stop the positive energy to reaffirm members' collegiality and commitment to each other and the Department of Anthropology.
Our Head of Department, Professor Brenda M Farnell, presented a Powerpoint with highlights of the past year, including faculty and student awards, and staff milestones, while she welcomed new faculty and new graduate students in the Department.
The event traditionally ends with Eat, Meet and Greet. We could not physically share a meal together this year, but our 60 guests took advantage of Zooms breakout rooms to chat in smaller groups, catch up, share memories, plans, and the wish that next year's Meet and Greet will be in Davenport Hall!