11/28/2023 - Interested or curious about graduate school? Join Illinois Anthropology LEAD Graduate Students to learn about graduate school and how to apply to a variety of programs! Food will be provided. When...
11/21/2023 - Illinois Anthropology Research Associate Dr. George Calfas as been elected to serve as Registrar for the Register for Professional Archaeologists (RPA). The RPA "is a community of professional...
11/02/2023 - What: Join us in celebrating the launch of the ‘An accessible university means…’ booklet/survey created by the Crip* Internship Group with a screening of the award winning film ‘I...
11/02/2023 - Join the Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, Memory Studies (HGMS) for their Race, Migration, and Memory Conference today (11/2) and tomorrow (11/3) at 210 Levis Faculty Center. On Friday, an...
11/01/2023 - The Off the Beaten Track Summer School offers both budding social scientists and more advanced scholars a rare opportunity to do ethnographic research on an island with 7,000 years of history. The...
10/27/2023 - Assistant Professor LaKisha T. David has collaborated with Illinois State Representative Carol Ammons on a new house resolution to help people of African descent learn more about their ancestral...
10/19/2023 - Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker recently announced new funding to support communities working to preserve and celebrate their unique cultural heritage. The “State Designated Cultural District”...
10/17/2023 - Undergraduate Student Applications: The LEAD (Learning Environments in Anthropology Disciplines) Scholars program is open to all Anthropology students (majors and minors...
10/09/2023 - The Maya built and maintained reservoirs that were in use for more than 1,000 years, writes University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign anthropology professor ...
10/06/2023 - Join us in congratulating anthropology graduate student Sahara Zitlali Vilchis for winning a Center for Indigenous Science scholarship! Vilchis works in Ripan Malhi’s (CIS co-leader/GNDP/GSP/IGOH)...
10/05/2023 - Congratulations to Illinois Anthropology faculty Dr. Gilberto Rosas for being selected to co-lead the third Mellon-funded Interseminars Initiative project at the Humanities Research Institute...
10/03/2023 - The AAA and CASCA boards reached a decision to remove the session “Let’s Talk about Sex Baby: Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology” from the AAA/CASCA 2023...
10/02/2023 - At Illinois Anthropology we have incredible faculty and graduate students teaching! Check out the faculty and graduate students who made the...
09/24/2023 - Read this JSTOR Daily News article on a project in which UIUC archaeologists Chris Fennell, George Calfas, Tatiana Niculescu,...
09/22/2023 - Major congratulations to SEAM doctoral student Zoe Doubles for winning the...