02/22/2018 - "Both anthropology and computer science majors are problem-solvers by nature, said UIUC's Anthropology Professor Jessica Greenberg, director of undergraduate studies. They bring different skills to...
02/10/2018 - The faculty of the Department of Anthropology stands in solidarity with GEO and with our graduate students. Our graduate students are a vital part of the research, teaching and community service...
02/02/2018 - TIMOTHY PAUKETAT | Anthropology Professor, Associate Director of Research, Illinois State Archaeological Survey CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — A new exhibit at the U. of I.’s Spurlock...
10/26/2017 - Johanson (BA, '66, anthropology) spotted the fragment of an elbow sticking from the ground, and he immediately recognized that it came from a human skeleton...
10/05/2017 - We the undersigned faculty members of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign condemn the Trump Administration's recent decision to end the Deferred Action...
07/21/2017 - Allie says "We really had a great group of 15 students: 9-12th graders from across Illinois. I really tried to give the students hands on experience in 4 field anthropology. We worked with forces...
07/14/2017 - Nicole Cox wins the Graduate Student Paper Prize at 2017 Central States Anthropological Society Meetings for her paper "Troubling Tradition: Questions of Authority, Costume and...
07/06/2017 - Dr. David W. Plath, Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign new documentary film So Long Asleep; waking the ghosts of a war...
06/27/2017 - Read more about this book at the University of Illinois Press page for this book. Chapters include: Part I....
06/09/2017 - The American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) have selected Dr. Lyle Konigsberg as the next Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. This is a five-year position that...
06/06/2017 - The American Anthropological Association (AAA) has elected Dr. Kathryn Clancy to the Biological Anthropology Seat on the AAA Executive Board. This is a three year term. Congratulations Kate on...
05/03/2017 - Of the hundreds of people who die trying to cross into the U.S. from Mexico each year, those with indigenous backgrounds are less likely to be identified than those with more European ancestry...
03/14/2017 - Professor Helaine Silverman has been awarded the Sheth Distinguished Faculty award for International Achievement for her teaching, research, and acts of public service. Read the full story...
02/28/2017 - Read about doctoral students Matthew Go and Amanda Lee's work in Manila at "Grad Life: A behind the scenes look at the graduate experience at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign." The...
02/09/2017 - Click here for more information and an application form (due March 31). Around AD 1050, Cahokia, North America’s first city...