09/22/2021 - Anthropology Professor Ripan S. Malhi is the 2022 awardee for the prestigious Robert W. Sussman Award. The award is designed to "recognize meritorious scientific contributions to the field of...
- Professor Ripan S Malhi awarded Robert W. Sussman Award for Scientific Contributions to Anthropology
09/20/2021 - The latest issue of the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology is out with a special issue on Language and White Supremacy. This groundbreaking contemplation is co-edited by our very own...
09/17/2021 - Associate Professor Jenny Davis' work to repatriate Native remains on the UofI campus has been instrumental. From starting the process, to co-chairing (along with Professor Ripan S Malhi) the newly-...
09/15/2021 - UI Clinical Associate Professor, Korinta Maldonado, and the collective Pixan Konob’, which she founded in 2019, have worked tirelessly through the pandemic to ensure that everybody stays informed....
09/15/2021 - Anthro Club's first meeting for Fall 2021 on September 9 was Trivia Night! Our brilliant undergraduate students came together in Davenport Hall, and filled it completely, kickstarting their...
09/10/2021 - Anthropology Associate Professor and Director of the American Indian Studies Program Jenny L Davis has won the...
09/10/2021 - Anthropology meet-and-greet had to move online for one more year on Thursday, September 9! This did not stop us from enjoying each other's company, and a comprehensive update on what has been going...
08/27/2021 - We are always proud of our students and cherish every opportunity to share their achievements and activities! And, on the eve of first day of Fall 2021, they gave us such opportunity! Anthro Club,...
08/20/2021 - Chris Fennell published a new book, "The Archaeology of Craft and Industry," in the “American Experience in Archaeological Perspective” book series by University Press of Florida, this summer....
08/11/2021 - Professor Jane Desmond recently published a public engagement article in Synapsis titled 'The Tiger in the Waiting Room: Addressing Moral Stress in Medicine.' The article addresses the -increasingly...
08/04/2021 - A much-anticipated Summer 2021 departmental newsletter is finally here! It features a proud and long list of accomplishments...
06/16/2021 - A collaborative project in Mesoamerica and Southwestern North America draws on interdisciplinary approaches, surveys, and the study of concrete evidence of changes in maize, to challenge the long-...
05/06/2021 - The Department of Anthropology faculty recently passed a resolution on Decolonizing Anthropology. You can read the statement here. A motion from...
04/27/2021 - Anthropology and Linguistics Assistant Professor Krystal A Smalls is the recipient of this year's faculty prize for Research in the Humanities...
04/26/2021 - LAS Impact Awards are out and Anthropology Assistant Professor...