02/13/2020 - An editorial in Nature Genetics highlights the exceptional work carried out by Professor Ripan Malhi's Summer internship for INdigenous...
02/13/2020 - Join us in congratulating Anthropology Assistant Professor, Jenny L. Davis, for being named Helen Corley Petit Scholar for the academic year 2020-21! The award is given annually for newly-tenured...
02/13/2020 - Join us in congratulating Anthropology doctoral student, Jeongsu Shin, for being named IPRH fellow for Academic Year 20-21! The fellowship "will enable advanced graduate students to develop their...
- Professor Jane Desmond of Anthropology Writes for Scientific American about the Global Donkey Crisis
02/13/2020 - Anthropology Professor, Jane Desmond has been featured on Scientific American. Her article describes the significance of donkeys for more than half a billion people accross the world, but also...
01/31/2020 - Illinois PhD alumnus, Michelle Johnson, writes in the News-Gazette about her graduate experience with her mentor, Professor Emeritus Alma Gottlieb. Johnson, who is currently an associate professor...
01/29/2020 - University of Illinois Anthropology Professor Laura Shackelford participates in team that has created Virtual Archaeology, a virtual reality lab which creates an immersive, in-depth archaeological...
01/09/2020 - On January 2nd 2020 the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation sent an announcement to the entire campus community about plans to develop and coordinate activities relating to the...
12/18/2019 - What do anthropology labs look like? How do researchers in anthropology spend their lab time? What artifacts will you find there and how can you interact with them? The Colloquium and Intellectual...
11/18/2019 - Professor Christopher C. Fennell is the recipient of the 2020 Daniel G. Roberts Award for Excellence in Public Historical Archaeology from The Society for Historical Archaeology...
10/22/2019 - It’s well known that traumatic experiences can have lifelong impacts on health and well-being. But it’s possible that those effects can last longer than a single lifetime. A new study asks whether...
10/16/2019 - A new book by University of Illinois professor Andrew Orta studies the culture of contemporary business education and the MBA degree through the lens of a professional anthropologist. Photo by L....
10/11/2019 - Anthropology Professor Jane Desmond's students in upper-level course 'The Cultures of Nature' (ANTH 375) received a special visit this week by the U of I Wildlife Clinic, which is part of the College...
10/08/2019 - Beckman Institute Postdoctoral Research Fellow Michelle Rodrigues and Professor Kathryn B. H. Clancy of Anthropology investigate the effects of parental relationships on peer relationships in...
10/03/2019 - The Department of Anthropology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor in Archaeology with a target start date of...
09/20/2019 - "The Search For Missing American Soldiers Decades After The Korean War" published on Sept 8, 2019. Or copy and paste: https://youtu.be/Zh4BMoDN_AA